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Suppes, P. (1995). Arithmetic and Geometry, Grade 1. Arithmetic and Geometry. Stanford, CA: Education Program for Gifted Youth, Stanford University.

Suppes, P. (1995). Arithmetic and Geometry, Grades 3-6. Arithmetic and Geometry. Stanford, CA: Education Program for Gifted Youth, Stanford University.

Suppes, P., Böttner, M., & Liang, L.. (1995). Comprehension grammars generated from machine learning of natural language. Machine Learning, 19(2), 133-152. presented at the 05/1995. PDF

Ravaglia, R., de Barros, J. Acacio, & Suppes, P.. (1995). Computer-based instruction brings advanced-placement physics to gifted students. Computers in Physics, 9(4), 380-386. presented at the 1995. PDF

Ravaglia, R., Suppes, P., Stillinger, C., & Alper, T. M.. (1995). Computer-based mathematics and physics for gifted students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 39(1). presented at the 01/1995. doi:10.1177/001698629503900. PDF

Suppes, P., & de Barros, J. Acacio. (1995). A Descoberta dos Raios X. Leitura, 1(5), 3-5. presented at the 12/1995. PDF

Chuaqui, R., & Suppes, P.. (1995). Free-variable axiomatic foundations of infinitesimal analysis: A fragment with finitary consistency proof. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 60(1), 122-159. presented at the 03/1995. doi:10.2307/2275512. PDF

Suppes, P., Böttner, M., Liang, L., & Ravaglia, R.. (1995). Machine learning of natural language: problems and prospects. (M. de Glas & Pawlak, Z., Eds.)Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. presented at the 05/1995, Angkor. PDF

Suppes, P. (1995). A pluralistic view of foundations of science. Foundations of Science, 1, 9-14. presented at the 1995. PDF

Suppes, P. (1995). Some foundational problems in the theory of visual space. In R. D. Luce, D'Zmura, M., Hoffman, D., Iverson, G. J., & Romney, A. K. (Eds.), Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena: Papers in Honor of Tarow Indow on his 70th birthday (pp. 37-45). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. PDF

Suppes, P. (1995). Transzendentale Prinzipien: eine Neubetrachtung der Kantschen Antinomien. Metaphysik, 11, 43-54. presented at the 1995. PDF


Suppes, P. (1994). A brief survey of Adams’ contributions to philosophy. In E. Eells & Skyrms, B. (Eds.), Probability and Conditionals: Belief Revision and Rational Decision (pp. 201-204). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. PDF

Suppes, P., & Ager, T.. (1994). Computer-based mathematics and physics for gifted students. Instructional Science, 22(5), 339-362. presented at the 1995. doi:10.1007/BF00891960. PDF

Suppes, P., & Alechina, N.. (1994). The definability of the qualitative independence of events in terms of extended indicator functions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 38(3), 366-376. presented at the 09/1994. doi: PDF

Suppes, P., & de Barros, J. Acacio. (1994). Diffraction with well-defined photon trajectories: A foundational analysis. Foundations of Physics Letters, 7(6), 501-514. presented at the 12/1994. doi:10.1007/BF02219746. PDF

Suppes, P. (1994). Ernest Nagel. In Biographical Memoirs (Vol. 65, pp. 257-272). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. PDF

Stillinger, C., & Suppes, P.. (1994). Gifted students' individual differences in computer-based algebra and precalculus courses. Education Program for Gifted Youth (pp. 1-26). presented at the 1994, Stanford, CA: Stanford University. PDF

Suppes, P. (1994). In appreciation of the work of Alexandre Froda. Libertas Mathematica, 14, 1-2. presented at the 1994. doi: PDF

Crangle, C., & Suppes, P.. (1994). Language and Learning for Robots (p. 276). Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Suppes, P. (1994). Learning and projectibility. In D. Stalker (Ed.), Grue! The New Riddle of Induction (pp. 263-272). Chicago, IL: Open Court. PDF

Suppes, P. (1994). Qualitative Theory of Subjective Probability. In G. Wright & Ayton, P. (Eds.), Subjective Probability (pp. 17-37). New York: John Wiley & Sons. PDF

Suppes, P., & de Barros, J. Acacio. (1994). A random walk approach to interference. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 33(1), 179-189. presented at the 01/1994. doi:10.1007/BF00671623. PDF

Suppes, P., Pavel, M., & Falmagne, J. - C.. (1994). Representations and models in psychology. Annual Review of Psychology, 45, 517-544. presented at the 02/1994. doi:10.1146/ PDF

Suppes, P. (1994). Some questions about Adams’ conditionals. In E. Eells & Skyrms, B. (Eds.), Probability and Conditionals: Belief Revision and Rational Decision (pp. 5-11). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. PDF

Suppes, P. (1994). Stochastic Models of Reading. In J. Ygge & Lennerstrand, G. (Eds.), Eye Movements in Reading (pp. 349-364). Oxford: Pergamon Press. PDF

Suppes, P. (1994). Voluntary motion, biological computation, and free will. (P. A. French, Uehling, Jr., T. E., & Wettstein, H. K., Eds.)Midwest Studies in Philosophy, XIX, Philosophical Naturalism, 19(1), 452-467. presented at the 09/1994. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4975.1994.tb00298.x. PDF


Crangle, C., & Suppes, P.. (1993). An analysis of ‘If’ Sentences from the standpoint of communication. Journal of Literary Semantics, 22(1), 1-23. presented at the 01/1993. doi:10.1515/jlse.1993.22.1.1. PDF

Suppes, P. (1993). Models and Methods in the Philosophy of Science: Selected Essays (p. 525). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Suppes, P. (1993). The transcendental character of determinism. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, XVIII, 18(1), 242-257. presented at the 09/1993. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4975.1993.tb00266.x. PDF


Suppes, P. (1992). Axiomatic methods in science. In M. E. Carvallo (Ed.), Nature, Cognition and System II (pp. 205-232). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. PDF

Suppes, P., Liang, L., & Böttner, M.. (1992). Complexity issues in robotic machine learning of natural language. In L. Lam & Naroditsky, V. (Eds.), Modelling Complex Phenomena (pp. 102-127). New York: Springer-Verlag. PDF

Suppes, P., Böttner, M., & Liang, L.. (1992). Comprehension grammars generated from machine learning of natural language. Preliminary version. In P. Dekker & Stokhof, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Amsterdam Colloquium (pp. 93-112). Amsterdam: Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam. PDF

Suppes, P. (1992). Estes' statistical learning theory: Past, present, and future. In W. K. Estes, Healy, A. F., Kosslyn, S. M., & Shiffrin, R. M. (Eds.), From Learning Theory to Connectionist Theory: Essays in Honor of William K. Estes (Vol. 1, pp. 1-20). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. PDF

Suppes, P., & Chuaqui, R.. (1992). A finitarily consistent free-variable positive fragment of infinitesimal analysis. Proceedings of the IX Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic. presented at the 1993, Bahia Blanca, Argentina. PDF

Suppes, P. (1992). Instructional computers: Past, present, and future. International Journal of Educational Research, 17(1), 5-17. presented at the 1992. doi: PDF

Suppes, P. (1992). Problem spaces, language and connectionism: Issues for cognition (Commentary/ A. Newell: Unified theories of cognition). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15(3), 457-458. presented at the 09/1992. doi: PDF

Suppes, P., & Zanotti, M.. (1992). Qualitative axioms for random-variable representation of extensive quantities. In C. W. Savage & Ehrlich, P. (Eds.), Philosophical and Foundational Issues in Measurement Theory (pp. 39-52). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. PDF


Suppes, P. (1991). Can psychological software be reduced to physiological hardware?. In E. Agazzi (Ed.), The Problem of Reductionism in Science (pp. 183-198). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. PDF

Suppes, P. (1991). Definition II: Rules of definition. In H. Burkhardt & Smith, B. (Eds.), Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology (Vol. 1-2, Vol. Vol. 1: A-K, pp. 204-208). Munich: Analytica (Philosophia Verlag). PDF

Suppes, P., & Zanotti, M.. (1991). Existence of hidden variables having only upper probabilities. Foundations of Physics, 21(12), 1479-1499. presented at the 12/1991. doi:10.1007/BF01889653. PDF

Suppes, P., & Jr., G. G. Brittan. (1991). Indeterminism or instability, Does it matter?. In Causality, Method, and Modality (pp. 5-22). Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. PDF

Suppes, P. (1991). Language for Humans and Robots (p. 417). Oxford, England: Blackwell.

Suppes, P. (1991). Metaphysics V: Probabilistic metaphysics. In H. Burkhardt & Smith, B. (Eds.), Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology (Vol. 2: L-Z, pp. 546-548). Munich: Analytica (Philosophia Verlag). PDF

Suppes, P., & Zanotti, M.. (1991). New Bell-type inequalities for N > 4 necessary for existence of a hidden variable. Foundations of Physics Letters, 4(1), 101-107. presented at the 02/1991. doi:10.1007/BF00666420. PDF

Suppes, P. (1991). The principle of invariance with special reference to perception. In J. Doignon & Falmagne, J. (Eds.), Mathematical Psychology: Current Developments (pp. 35-53). New York: Springer-Verlag. PDF

Suppes, P. (1991). Rules of proportion in architecture. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 16(1), 352-358. presented at the 09/1991. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4975.1991.tb00247.x. PDF